Sukanya Samadhi Account – Child Development Project – Variety Properties, Review & Advantages
The Sukanya Samadhi Account (SSA), which started as Beti Bachao-Beti Pathao (BBB), officially began on January 22, 2015. These availabilities are introduced by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Sukanya Samriddhi Account / Yojana is a small fun specially designed depot scheme for girls. This scheme is specifically designed for college or marriage.
Minister of Finance Arun Jaitley has announced this scheme with his speech in July. The Gazette on this scheme was released on 2 December 2014. January 21, 2015, the Finance Ministry issued a notification for the adequate interest rate on the Sukanya Samriddhi Account.
We can understand the features and benefits of the Sukanya Samadhi Account Special Savings Deposit Scheme.
Features of Sukanya Samadhi Account (SSA):
- Who can open the account?
- Sukanya Samadhi can open A / C (or Kath) in the name of a girl who is a nature (organic) parent or legal guardian.
- What is the age limit?
- The SSA can be opened in the name of a girl until the age of the girl is 10 years old. (Girl who was in or after 02-12-2003 can open an SSA / SSI account).
- How many accounts can open?
- The investor can open and operate the same account for the same boy under this program. The Guardian (or) Guardian can open only two accounts in SSS.
- How to open an SSA account (Open Savings Account opening procedure)?
- The accounts of a girl can be opened in any of the branches of a bank in the post offices or by the Central Government authorized by the Central Government to open an account under these scheme rules.
- What is the minimum deposit to open an account?-SSA If the deposit is deposited in the amount of Rs 20000 or Rs 200 for a certain amount of money then a minimum amount of Rs 200 lakh is deposited in an account in a financial year.
What is the maximum deposit amount? – At least one thousand rupees will be deposited in the financial year. However, the amount invested in a single instrument or multiple occasions in the account shall not exceed Rs. 1.5 lakhs
- Deposits/contribution in an account is made for 14 years from the date of account opening.
- Upon completion of 21 years from the date of opening of the account, there is an option to retain the account in respect of the Project marriage. Then, the maturity of the account is 21 years. If the girl is married before the date of account opening or 21 years of completion, whichever is first.
- Will a girl account continue after marriage?
- Account activity before the marriage of the girl is not allowed.
- What are the necessary documents to open Sukanya Samadhi account?
- The girl’s birth certificate should be produced. An investor (parent or guardian) must submit his / her identity to prove the address.
- Download the Sukanya Samadhi Account / Yojana (SSA / SSY) Application Form. (Please submit this SSA Application Form Post Office by clicking on the below image and downloading the form Download your Form Office Savings Bank Page Form and then you can print)
- When an account begins, a deposit account will be issued to the investor. This will include the date of birth of the girl, account opening date, account number, the amount and the amount deposited by the account holder’s name and address. Purchase Deposit/deposit at the timeframe of interest on investors in the post office or bank.
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