GST Intermediary Dispute Remains Unresolved
Recently, a circular -159/51/2021-GST-Clarification on Doubts Regarding the Scope of ‘Intermediary’ was released, but I’m not sure if the doubts were cleared or persisted…
First and foremost, the term “intermediary” is defined as “a person who acts as a middleman between two parties.”
‘A broker, an agent, or any other person, by whatever name called, who arranges or facilitates the supply of goods or services, or both, or securities, between two or more persons, but does not include a person who supplies such goods or services, or both, or securities on his own account,’ says the definition.
The term “intermediary” was borrowed from the Service Tax Regime in the GST. As stated in the circular, the scope of ‘’intermediary services” under the GST REGIME does not differ from the scope of ‘’intermediary services” in the Service Tax REGIME.
The circular merely mentions who is a middleman, however, it is unclear if the services provided by the intermediary are considered exports of services or not –– the debate continues —–
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Several instances are offered in a circular format but are only described once
Who is the intermediate
I.e., who arranges or facilitates the provision of products or services, i.e., a third party between two parties, although it is unclear if intermediary services are exportable or not?
Let’s look at an example:
A- Machine Manufacturer and Supplier in India
B- if you want to buy a machine but don’t live in India.
C- Assists ‘’B” in identifying customers –
C acts as an intermediary, invoicing ‘’B” in order to complete the transaction between ‘’A” and ‘’B”.
Non-filers of monthly GST returns would be prevented from filing GSTR-1 from next year.
Why can’t C’s services be classified as exports of services because he provides services outside of India?
The supply of any service when it is exported is referred to as service export.
- Supplier of service located in India –i.e A and C
- Recipient of service located outside India- i.e B
- Payment for such service received in convertible foreign exchange.
- Place of supply of service is outside India – as per Sec 13(8) clause (b) IGST ACT 2017
The location of the supplier in India does not justify the export of services in this case.
The foregoing is still disputed, and litigation is ongoing, according to the circular.
Conclusion: If GST is a destination-based consumption tax, and C is providing a service to B – OUTSIDE INDIA, and payment is made in convertible foreign currency, why can’t it be classified as a service export?
So, unless the government clarifies the above, the litigation will continue.