ITR filing increased to 3.2 lakh daily in September, 2021
Updates to the Income Tax Department’s e-Filing portal
The Income Tax Department’s e-Filing site ( was introduced on June 7, 2021. Since then, taxpayers and professionals have experienced flaws and problems with the service. The Ministry of Finance has been keeping a close eye on how concerns with Infosys Ltd, the project’s Managed Services Provider, are being resolved.
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A number of technical issues are being addressed one by one, and the statistics for the various filings on the portal are showing a favourable trend. Since September 7, 2021, over 8.83 crore unique taxpayers have signed in, with a daily average of over 15.55 lakh in September 2021. In September 2021, the number of ITRs filed grew to 3.2 lakh per day, with 1.19 crore ITRs filed for the fiscal year 2021-22. Over 76.2 lakh taxpayers have used the portal’s online service to file their forms.
It’s good to see that over 94.88 lakh ITRs have been e-verified, which is required for the Centralized Processing Center to process them. 7.07 lakh ITRs have been processed so far.
Over 8.74 lakh Notices issued by the Department under the Faceless Assessment/Appeal/Penalty proceedings have been viewed by taxpayers, with over 2.61 lakh answers filed. On a daily basis in September 2021, an average of 8,285 Notices for e-proceedings were issued and 5,889 answers were filed.
Over 10.60 lakh statutory forms have been filed, including 7.86 lakh TDS statements, 1.03 lakh Form 10A for trusts/institutions registration, 0.87 lakh Form 10E for salary arrears, and 0.10 lakh Form 35 for appeals.
Applicability of Tax Audit under section 44AB or 44AD or 44ADA
66.44 lakh taxpayers have linked their Aadhaar numbers to their PAN numbers, and over 14.59 lakh e-PANs have been issued. In September 2021, around 0.50 lakh taxpayers were using these two services on a daily basis.
The Department is continuing to work with Infosys to ensure that taxpayers have a positive filing experience.